Journal papers
Conference proceedings
Pankratz, E., Kirby, S., & Culbertson, J. (2024). The key property of frequency distributions that facilitates linguistic rule generalisation is long-tailedness. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 6433.
Pankratz, E., Kirby, S., & Culbertson, J. (2024). Why are languages skewed? A Bayesian account for how skew and type count, but not entropy, facilitate rule generalisation. Proceedings of Evolang XV, 1–3.
Keogh, A., Pankratz, E., Kirby, S., & Culbertson, J. (2023). Does production facilitate learning morphosyntactic generalisations? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45, 3919.
Pankratz, E., Yadav, H., Smith, G., & Vasishth, S. (2021). Statistical properties of the speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT) paradigm in sentence processing. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43, 2176–2182.
Pankratz, E. (2021). qxoRef 1.0: A coreference corpus and mention-pair baseline for coreference resolution in Conchucos Quechua. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP-NAACL 2021), 1–9.
van Tiel, B., Pankratz, E., Marty, P. & Sun, C. (2019). Scalar inferences and cognitive load. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, 427–441.
Lachler, J. & Pankratz, E. (2017). Moving towards value-added digital repatriation in lexicography for Indigenous languages in Canada. Proceedings of the 21st FEL Conference: Communities in Control: Learning tools and strategies for multilingual endangered language communities, 107–114.